
Add a new entry edytuj

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Before your first edit please read the general rules (polish only) of making new entries (polish version only) and the below written rules of creating entries in Yiddish. If you still need help, use our help (polish only) site.

general rules edytuj

All entries have to be written in form that's compatible with YIVO (fi. ב - beys without the period in the middle, פֿ - fey with line on top; fi. פֿאַרב a not פארבּ, etc.). In order to assure correct sorting, we ask not to use ligatures װ - tsvey vovn, ױ - vov yud and ײ - tsvey yudn and substite them with two vovs, vov and yud or two yuds. The same goes for precombined letters which are available on some keyboards. The only exception is ײַpasekh tsvey yudn, which can not be substituted with anything.

If for any reason you need to use ligatures, or words that are not written in YIVO form, make them into redirects. We allow creation of rearly used in literature regionalisms, but only with added {{jidreg}} template in uwagi: and a source of occurrence.