Aneks:Przysłowia angielskie - N
Angielskie przysłowia na: |
- nature abhors a vacuum
- nature does nothing in vain
- nature passes nurture
- nature will have its course
- near is my shirt, but nearer is my skin
- necessity is the mother of invention
- necessity knows no law
- necessity sharpens industry
- need makes the old wife trot
- ne'er cast aclout till May be out
- needs must when the devil drives
- neglect will kill an injury sooner than revenge
- neither a borrower nor a lender be
- neither give nor take offense
- Nero fiddled while Rome burned
- never ask pardon before you are accused
- never choose your woman or linen by candlelight
- never do evil that good may come of it
- never do things by halves
- never give a sucker an even break
- never is a long time
- never judge a book by its cover
- never judge by appearances {in. judge not according to appearances)
- never let the sun go down on your anger
- never let your education interfere with your education
- never look a gift horse in the mouth
- never marry for money, but marry where money is
- never mention a rope in the house of a man who has been hanged (in. never speak of rope in the house of a man who has been hanged)
- never mix business with pleasure
- never put off till tomorrow what you can do today
- never put off until tomorrow what you can do today
- never say A without saying B
- never say die
- never say never
- never sell America short
- never send a boy to do a man's job
- never show your teeth unless you can bite (in. if you can't bite, never show your teeth)
- never speak ill of the dead
- never speak of rope in the house of a man who has been hanged
- never tell tales out of school
- never too old to learn (in. it's never too late to learn)
- never trouble trouble till truble troubles you
- never work with children or animals
- new brooms sweep clear
- new lords, new laws
- nice guys finish last
- night brings counsel
- nine tailors make a man
- no cows, no cares
- no gain without pain
- no good deed goes unpunished
- no joy without annoy
- no man can call again yesterday (in. yesterday will not be called again)
- no man can serve two masters
- no man is a hero to his valet
- no man is above the law, and no man is below it (in. nobody is above the law)
- no man is an island
- no man is necessary (in. nobody is indispensable
- no moon, no man
- no names, no pack-drill
- no news is good news
- no pain, no gain
- no penny, no paternoster
- no reward without toil
- no sweat, no sweet (in. no pain, no gain)
- no tree takes so deep a root as prejudice
- nobody believes a liar when he tells the truth (in. a liar is not believed when he tells the truth)
- nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people
- nobody forgets a good teacher
- nobody is above the law
- nobody is born learned; bishops are made of men
- nobody is indispensable
- nobody is infallible
- nobody is perfect
- nobody should be judge in his own cause
- none but the brave deserve the fair
- nothing can bring you peace but yourself
- nothing comes of nothing
- nothing for nothing
- nothing goes over the back but that comes under the belly (in. what's got over the devil's back is spent under his belly)
- nothing is certain but death and taxes
- nothing is certain but the unforeseen
- nothing is given so freely as advice
- nothing is impossible to a willing heart
- nothing should be done in haste but gripping a flea
- nothing so bad but it might have been worse
- nothing so bold as a blind mare
- nothing succeeds like success
- nothing ventured, nothing gained
- nothing will come of nothing (in. nothing comes of nothing)
- nought is never in danger
- nurture passes nature
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